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Pages tagged "Anti-Nuclear"

Small modular reactors and the nuclear culture wars

Aaron Patrick, Senior Correspondent with the Australian Financial Review (AFR), is the latest journalist to enter the nuclear culture wars with some propaganda that's indistinguishable from that served up in the Murdoch tabloids.

Campaigners vow to continue the fight to stop Canberra dumping nuclear waste in SA

Civil society groups and members of the communities affected by the federal government’s proposed National Radioactive Waste Management Facility (NRWMF) are deeply disappointed with Justice White’s ruling that the exclusion of Barngarla...

Nuclear war between super funds

Industry Super Australia (ISA) ‒ a research and advocacy body for Industry SuperFunds ‒ has published a report promoting nuclear power, prompting a sceptical response from Industry Super Holdings, which is controlled by super funds including AustralianSuper, Cbus,...

ABC's Media Watch takes aim at nuclear misinformation and bias

Media Release ‒ 25 June 2019 ‒ Friends of the Earth Australia The ABC's Media Watch program last night took aim at Australia's pro-nuclear propagandists and the extreme bias of Australia's nuclear...

Nuclear power exits Australia's energy debate, enters culture wars

What do these politicians and ex-politicians have in common: Clive Palmer, Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi, Barnaby Joyce, Mark Latham, Jim Molan, Craig Kelly, Eric Abetz, and David Leyonhjelm?

An obituary for small modular reactors

Small reactors are being heavily promoted but the economics don't stack up.

Radioactive Exposure Tour 2018 - A BIG success!

This year's Radioactive Exposure Tour (radtour), organised by FoE's Nuclear Free Campaign, was a big success.

Australia's contribution to nuclear proliferation risks

Once again, the world finds itself in a dangerous place as one mad-man explodes increasingly powerful nuclear weapons and another mad-man threatens North Korea with "fire, fury and frankly power the likes...

James Hansen’s Generation IV nuclear fallacies and fantasies

The two young co-founders of nuclear engineering start-up Transatomic Power were embarrassed earlier this year when their claims about their molten salt reactor design were debunked, forcing some major retractions. The claims of MIT nuclear engineering...

Yami Lester

It was with great sorrow that Friends of the Earth learnt of the passing of Yami Lester in July. Yankunytjatjara Elder, atomic test survivor, Aboriginal rights activist, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Yami's...