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Chain Reaction magazine out now


Chain Reaction #125 − November 2015

National Magazine of Friends of the Earth, Australia

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Challenging the privatised university:

Emerging technology and challenging the privatised uni

What's wrong with privatising universities?

How corporate investment corrodes the public research environment

Why do universities still invest in fossil fuels?

A shift towards industry-relevant degrees isn't helping students get jobs

Nuclear power's long farewell?

Nuclear, climate, energy:

Should Australia become the world's nuclear waste dump

Summing the health effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster

Shenhua Watermark Coal – the fight for the Liverpool Plains continues

The fantasy of cheap, safe nuclear energy

The renewable energy revolution

Eight things Malcolm Turnbull should do on climate, renewables

Geoengineering: Striking targets or missing the point?

Friends of the Earth articles:

Greening the Internet

A spoonful of sugar is not enough to help the TPP go down

Inside Friends of the Earth's Yes 2 Renewables Campaign

FoE's campaign to stop whaling 1976-78

Black Hole documentary review



Six issues (2 years) $33. Twelve issues (4 years) $60.
* Subscribe online at
* Post cheque or money order to: Chain Reaction, P.O. Box 222, Fitzroy, Victoria, 3065. (Make cheques out to Chain Reaction.)

* To pay by credit card, post card details, or email details to [email protected], or phone (03) 9419 8700.

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