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Saltwater People

Donate to Saltwater People


Saltwater People works to connect different Sea Country Mob with each other so that we can continue our songlines and protect the health of Sea Country.
We support each other to identify and stand up to gas exploration and production companies and projects because we are the original guardians of healthy ocean ecosystems and the sustained well-being of all marine life. We share our experiences of engagement with gas and oil exploration and production companies with each other to support each other through processes which are rarely straightforward and often jargon heavy.
We share our stories of sea country and songlines and strengthen recognition of our own cultural heritage within, between and beyond our own communities, including informing relevant Government understandings of our own definitions of our songlines and sea country boundaries.

Saltwater People is a proud auspice of Friends of the Earth Australia (ABN 18 110 769 501). Friends of the Earth Australia is a deductible gift recipient as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth). Donations over $2 may be tax deductible. Please see full terms and conditions here. Thank you so much for your gift.

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