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Australian Nuclear Issues

Nuclear waste
Proposals for an international nuclear waste dump in Australia
Radioactive Exposure Tours (FoE's annual tours to SA to witness the impacts of the nuclear industry on communities and country)
Uranium mining in Australia
Uranium enrichment in Australia
Nuclear power for Australia?
Impacts of nuclear power & uranium mining on water resources
ARPANSA - Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Lucas Heights nuclear research reactor
British nuclear weapons tests in Australia
The push for nuclear weapons in Australia 1950s-1970s
Hypocrisy - Australia's support for nuclear weapons
Food Irradiation Watch – 2016 submission to Review of Labelling Requirement for Irradiated Foods
Ethical investment, uranium & nuclear power (2008 report by Corporate Watch Australia)
Responses to some nuclear advocates (mostly Australian):

Radiation harm deniers? Pro-nuclear environmentalists and the Chernobyl death toll
James Hansen's nuclear fantasies
Prof. Barry Brook / Brave New Climate
Response to Barry Brook / Corey Bradshaw's 2014 'open letter to environmentalists'
Ziggy Switkowski and the 2006 Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy Review
Haydon Manning (Flinders Uni academic)
Leslie Kemeny
George Monbiot (UK Guardian columnist)
Ben Heard - decarbonisesa
Critique of James Lovelock and Patrick Moore (Word file)
James Lovelock's irrational attacks on renewable energy and the environmental movement
Geoff Russell (conspiracy theorist)
The Ferguson Files (former energy and resources minister Martin Ferguson)
AWU - Howes' Howlers (former AWU national secretary Paul Howes)